Natural Medicine Potion No. 1

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Fire Cider

This is my year-round, go-to potion for what ails you. I keep fire cider in my herbal medicine tool kit and take it whenever I start to feel burnt out or about to get sick. The recipe is simple:

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • Garlic (1 bulb), crushed

  • Onion, chopped

  • Ginger, chopped

  • Optional:  chili peppers, cayenne, turmeric root, burdock root, seaweed, citrus zest, other herbs and spices

Combine the ingredients in a mason jar and keep in a room temperature, dark place for 10 days. Shake daily and then transfer to the fridge.

Fire cider is great for giving you a little extra energy when you need it (long car trips anyone?). It has antibiotic, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. It is a phenomenal immune booster...and not for the faint of heart.  

You can mix it in water or take it straight like a shot.  I take an ounce if I feel under the weather, and a dropper-full (1 ml) every hour after that (I put it into a tincture bottle and carry it around with me). Sometimes I will just take a little on a regular day to give my system a charge.

This potion has saved me numerous times when I needed to be somewhere (pass my nutrition exam) or accomplish something while I was sick. It is by far, my favorite herbal remedy...and it tastes great on tomatoes or as a marinade!

What is your favorite herbal remedy?